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Join us as Lauren Wilson gives us insight into her inspiring pilot journey.

Lauren has been flying since she waved goodbye to her teens and is enjoying her fifth season of flying aerobatics along with her third as a display pilot.

Self-funded, Lauren has flying in her blood as she is now living the dream her younger self conjured up.

It’s clear she has talent alongside the passion as she has won many competitions including the British Female Aerobatic Champion of 2012.

Lauren never stops pursuing her dream as she admits she’s still got further to go and is always finding new ways to fall in love with flying every single day.

Starting Out

  • Lauren had an innate interest with aviation and enjoyed watching the airliners fly over her house when she was around 11 years old.
  • She considered becoming a commercial airline pilot but decided that it was probably not the lifestyle she would enjoy.
  • Lauren was always good with her hands, designing and putting things together so decided at 16, to get into engineering and started an apprenticeship instead, saving as much money as possible.
  • At 20, she took flying lessons at her local flying school, RAF Halton, and earned her PPL 3 months after.

Initial Training Challenges

  • It was psychologically difficult and a great challenge for her to learn flying at first.
  • Multitasking, especially looking at the map, then out the window and then the instruments simultaneously was an initial challenge for her as well

The Aircraft Types

  • Lauren has flown at least 20 different types of aircraft, some of which are:
  • Spartan 7W Executive
  • Aerobatic types of aircraft such as Extras, Sequoias, Super Decathlon, and Slings
  • A fully-customised, 8 years in the making, single-seat biplane of a friend.
  • The closest to her heart is her customised Pitts Special. Built specifically in the 80’s for competition, it is very stable and great for aerobatics.

Best Flying Advice

  • Whenever you feel despondent or finding it hard or can’t afford it, or whatever, just keep going and don’t give up because eventually, you’ll be able to do cool stuff and you’ll enjoy what you’re doing.

The Journey

  • After acquiring her PPL, she had to stop flying for a year and a half due to lack of funds.
  • She swapped aviation for rock climbing and did some contracting and consultation work.
  • Looking to get back into aviation Lauren arranged to trial flight in a 2 seat Pitts Special,  just for the experience.
  • Her instructor convinced her to do her first (life-changing) loop and she thought it was amazing and commenced tailwheel and aerobatic training in the Pitts.
  • Eventually, her instructor encouraged her to join a beginner’s competition.
  • 2012 was a great year for Lauren and she became the British Female Aerobatic Champion.
  • Received Mentorship from Mark Jefferies – international air display pilot & Steve Jones Redbull Air Racing & also an international air display pilot.
  • 2015 is a big year for Lauren, returning to many of the wonderful shows she has visited over the past two years, along with a whole host of new shows.

Current Flying.

  • Doing a lot of new types of manoeuvres in her Pitts Special.
  • 2015 is a very busy year for Lauren; she’s lined up to do 15 to 16 airshows this year.
  • Wedding & Special Occasion Shows.

Proudest Flying Moment

  • Lauren’s first solo and being let loose alone on an airplane is her proudest flying moment.

Future Plans & Aspirations

  • Would love to do more shows and competitions
  • Currently looking for sponsors and she would love to fly a Spitfire, Hurricane, and a Mustang in the future!!?

Flying Internet Resource

  • Social Media – because there are a lot of good aviation feeds, pages, and groups out there.

Best Aviation Book

Ernest K. Gann’s classic memoir is an up-close and thrilling account of the treacherous early days of commercial aviation. In his inimitable style, Gann brings you right into the cockpit, recounting both the triumphs and terrors of pilots who flew when flying was anything but routine.

Favourite Cockpit Gadget

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