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Chris Puddy Flying InstructorWhat does it take to become a pilot?  Join us as Chris Puddy gives us insight into his inspiring pilot journey.

After originally first going solo in Australia back in 1965, Chris finished his flying training back in England.  Flying mainly Twin Otters and King Airs, Chris’ Professional Career has been extensive, flying for various companies working in the Far East, all over the UK and also in Africa.

After a 12 year break he started Flying Instructing again in 2008.  Today, student pilots continue to benefit from Chris’ vast experience and relaxed style of training.

Starting Out

  • A chance meeting with a Flying Instructor, spilled the beans on an alternative route to obtain a commercial pilots licence.  Chris reached out to every flying school in the UK that had more than 4 aircraft for an opportunity to work towards his Instructor rating.  Leicester replied and 2000 hours later, Chris had  obtained his commercial pilot licence.

Initial Training Challenges

  • Initial training proved very easy for Chris, but continues to challenge himself with learning to control aircraft to the point where it is as easy as riding a bike.  Short-field landings are a particular favourite.
  • Chris thinks some people learning to fly, get distracted by trying to remember too much detail about things and not concentrating on the flying itself. Therefore, they don’t progress as well as they could.

The Aircraft Types

Best Flying Advice

  • “If you want to do something a particular way, I’ll try it. But if my way is better than your way you will do it my way. If your way is better than my way, then we will do it your way”Barry Tempest.

The Journey

  • Adventurous Flying in Asia.
  • Record breaking  times in the DeHavilland Twin Otter (DHC-6) working for former British airline, Brymon Airways.
  • Flying Shuttle services in King Airs & Twin Otters in challenging weather in Nigeria.
  • Various Single and Multi engine light aircraft ferry flying across the Atlantic and down to South Africa, amongst many other locations.

Current Flying.

  • Flying Instructing, PPL, IMC and Aeros at Cotswold Flying School, based at the Cotswold Airport (Kemble).
  • Aircraft Ferry Pilot.

Proudest Flying Moment

  • Sending Jack Godwin a very capable young student solo at aged 16 years old in a 14kt crosswind.  Jack now aged 18, has gained a commercial licence.

Future Plans & Aspirations

  • Continue with Flying Instruction and ferry flying
  • Whatever flying work comes Chris’ way!

Flying Internet Resource

Best Aviation Book

Favourite Cockpit Gadget

  • Apple iPad
  • Air Navigation Pro App – Air Navigation Pro is flight planning and real time navigation application for pilots.

Interview Links

Cessna 425 Conquest 1

Inspired Pilot Chris Puddy Cessna 425 Conquest 1

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